Our training program is based on a variety of sources and upon our experiences over the past fourteen years. We also make reference to curriculum provided by the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS) and as of June 2008, Prevention Management of Aggression and Violence (PMAV) obtained through the Canadian Training Institute. Other material has also been reviewed and adapted for use by ESS after review by the management team and Board Members. ESS utilizes Supervisors as an accessible level of management in each area. Supervisors represent the company to the client and their staff daily and are a significant source of communication between all parties.
Health Service Facilities are unique environments. They are open to the public at large and it is impossible to predict what a day might bring. A broad spectrum of humanity enters on a day to day basis. Behavior is often heightened by fear and anxiety. Sometimes these are expressed by way of anger, aggression or outright physical violence. The object of any security service is to ensure that the professionals are able to safely go about their work and to protect the public.
Our guards are required to be even-tempered individuals. That is our starting point. From there we train them by making use of a variety of well respected course materials,